Be present, be gay*

In Eastertide we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, and the message is reinforced by the world around us as spring bursts forth—everywhere we look we see sunshine and new flowers and new life. What we really celebrate with Easter is the reminder that in God we are given constantly a pathway to new dimensions of life. If we are willing to walk in love, as God wishes us to do, then we will create a kingdom of mutual respect all around us as we go. These are Jesus’ most prominent messages, first that we are to love one another and God as one, and second that we are to be active at all times in doing so.

Being active—doing—is what is called “prophecy.” What, did you think prophecy was predicting some disastrous future? That’s not it at all. In fact, my favorite prophet is Isaiah, who walked naked for three years—THREE YEARS!—to make a point. Go ahead, try it, see how far you get!

The Gospel for this second Sunday of Easter is famous because of the character of “doubting Thomas.” Thomas, at first, does not get the point. It is a good illustration, because Thomas is not there—Thomas is not present—he does not have prophetic experience of the resurrected Jesus. But, Thomas is susceptible, and when he asks for evidence God in the person of the resurrected Jesus provides it. My favorite part of this story is that Jesus has to come back a second time just for Thomas.

And that should be a lesson to us all. We all are God’s children. And we all are saved through Christ Jesus. And Jesus wasn’t just for some folks, but he was for every one of God’s children. Do you need Jesus? Don’t worry, he is going to show up for you too.

God provides what is really needed, but Thomas is an important part of the story, because he is willing to be present to see that the resurrected Jesus is, in fact, God. We can, and must, do the same. We must constantly “go forth in peace.” As gay and lesbian people we must be present, we must be seen, everywhere in society, as the proof of God’s love for all of God’s children. I know we crave equality, and we should have equality in society just as we have equality in creation. But we have to be present in all our gay-ness too. It is nothing less than God’s prophetic call to us, for all of creation.

* 2 Easter (Acts 2:14a, 22-32; Psalm 16; 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31)

©2011 The Rev. Dr. Richard P. Smiraglia. All rights reserved.

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