Time to Cross the Jordan*

I am always surprised when I meet a young gay man who introduces me to his wife. I always want to say “but wait, you don’t have to do this anymore, we’ve been liberated.” But, of course, I do not say anything, I smile and say “how do you do?” But then I go away shaking my head wondering what the six decades of fighting I have lived through were all about if young gay men will not take up the reins. Of course, as a wise colleague once said to me, we do not know what sort of arrangement these folks have made with each other. Still, I think it is time for gay people to “cross over” as the people in Joshua 3 crossed over into the promised land (and the priests stood on dry ground in the middle of the water, while the people crossed over all around them).

One remarkable Sunday, not too long ago, our rector announced long-term anniversaries of two couples—both were gay couples. I thought it a halcyon moment in our church. None of the stones rumbled and the cross of Christ did not crash to earth. Because, in fact, God, and Christ Jesus, celebrate our embrace of our gay lives. And what better celebration of gay lives is there than 25th and 35th anniversaries? Testaments to God’s love, that’s what those are.

For those of us who have crossed the Jordan metaphorically into the lives God has called us to lead, for us there are many rewards. Yes, there also are some drawbacks. But, speaking as a man, coupled for 34 years and married legally for 3, I think the rewards far outweigh the rest. Yes, Brad and I have crossed over the Jordan into the promised land. The interesting part is that we still have to work and deal with neighbors and pay taxes. We still irritate each other. That’s just how it goes. The Bible leaves that part out. Even in the promised land, it turns out life is hard work. But that’s okay, that’s why we have the Good News, that by living the lives God has made for us we have inherited God’s kingdom. This is our salvation, that the love we share, which is from and of God, is love that will last forever. This is Paul’s promise in today’s lesson from Thessalonians: “God’s word, which is also at work in you believers.”

For most of us being gay is no big deal, except in those moments when we are confronted by societal oppression. Those moments are fewer and farther between than they once were, but we still experience them. Depending on where you reside on this continuum, you might never experience oppression, or you might be so oppressed that you have not yet even come out. But the time has come my friends to cross the river. You are God’s children, you should live gay lives in God’s kingdom. Come, cross the river by Jericho. God’s word is at work in you.

*Proper 26 (Joshua 3:7-17; Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37; 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13; Matthew 23:1-12)
©2011 The Rev. Dr. Richard P. Smiraglia. All rights reserved.

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