Manna, Justice, Amen*

The fourth Sunday in Lent and the theme in scripture and lectionary is “the true bread,” which, of course, is a metaphor for the Holy Spirit, which feeds us. In fact, feeding is a major metaphor for Christianity … Jesus, as he departs this world, reminds his disciples to “feed my sheep.” Because, of course, without food, there cannot be life, and without life there cannot be a kingdom of God, because God’s spirit is manifest in that which lives, in those who live.

It has been a curious week I suppose, but a week in which gay people have seen God feed all of society with justice. From the Diocese of San Joaquin, where not so long ago women could not be ordained and gay people could not receive communion, comes news of the ordination of Carolyn Louise Woodall as Deacon. Carolyn is transgendered, and now is serving at the altar in the Episcopal Church of St. Anne’s in Stockton, California. Much more information can be found here:

Then, Friday, I was surprised by my own reaction when Dharun Ravi was convicted. I was surprised, because I stood up alone at my desk and applauded. Thank God, I said out loud. It is about time someone, somewhere, understands the horrid bullying that gay people experience. I remember it because I still experience it, even at my advanced age. Although at my advanced age (I’m sorry, today’s my birthday so I’m feeling old), I am much more likely to punch back and not put up with any guff.

But if you are gay you know how this goes. The “straight” roommate, who is “gayfriendly” tells you he’s okay with your perversity as long as he doesn’t have to see it. But then, night and day, he’s there kissing and feeling up girls on the other bed in your dorm room. YOU HAVE TO WATCH him, but he calls YOU perverse. And, then, the moment you go down the hall, you hear him cackling to the other straight guys about his “FAG” roommate … he makes sure you hear it.

This is exactly the scenario the defense pictured for us. All of those nice boys, his straight friends, testifying for his excellent character, and that he even had gay friends! But not one of them admitting to the behind the scenes quiet harassment they all as a group engaged in. No wonder that lovely violinist jumped off the bridge.

Well, if you are a young gay person being oppressed in this way, I want to say several things to you. First, look at how closely I reflect the facts, and I wasn’t even there. This is how we all grew up decades ago. Things are better now, maybe you don’t have it quite so bad as we did in the 1970s. Second, please please please look into Dan Savage’s “It gets Better” campaign, because it does. And therein lies God’s redemption.

The Psalm this week says “they cried to the LORD in their trouble and he delivered them from their distress, he sent forth his word and healed them, he saved them from the grave.” What more do you need my brothers and sisters? You have God, who has created you in God’s own image.

And, you have God’s own food, which is the love of Christ. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”

That’s you and me my friends. When it hurts, cry out, to God and to me, to my colleagues—tell somebody. And we will help you understand that it gets better.

And by the way, there is justice, flowing down like manna from heaven.

4 Lent (Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22; Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21)
©2012 The Rev. Dr. Richard P. Smiraglia. All rights reserved.

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