A Song of Constant Epiphany

the light of the world

may shine with the radiance

a new light to shine in our hearts

to give the knowledge of your glory

shines out like the dawn

salvation like a burning torch

in your light we see light.

spiritual gifts

the manifestation of the Spirit

Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory

The light of the world that sustains me is the love of my husband. New light comes from every hug, every kiss, every sneeze, every brusque angry retort because you can only talk that way to the people who love you. His love is so sweet it hurts, his hug comforts me, his smile and his laugh warm my heart, when I hear him moving about in the other room I am soothed. Our light is in each other. Our love is in each other. Love is the way. Our gifts consist wholly of the love we give each other in all the little ways. It is this love that is the manifestation of the Spirit. Miracles, glory, it is all about love and giving love and being love.

It is through the love we experience as LGBTQ heirs of God’s creation that we know the truth that we are, indeed, created in God’s own image, to love.

2nd Sunday after the Epiphany Year C 2022 RCL (Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 36:5-10 Dixit injustus; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; John 2:1-11)

©2022 The Rev. Dr. Richard P. Smiraglia. All rights reserved.

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