Ready to See

We are having a winter storm. It’s pretty humorous, now, for someone who grew up in Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin … and literally walked a mile through 8 feet of snow to get to school. Yes, we really did that. I remember it as fun, comforting even, to walk through the corridors of nature gleaming white with the glory of God on each side of me as I traversed the path given to me in my birth.

So, we are hunkered down. Mainly because we live in Oregon, and there is a sheet of ice under the snow, so we don’t want to risk a fall, and … it will melt tomorrow.

But for today I have to say I give thanks to God and to God’s creation for this quiet day of peace and calm and reflection. (It’s a secret, but I really love the snow; it brings such quiet and such peace.)

I ironed. Yes, I ironed all the table linens from Halloween to the present. I love ironing, it is for me a time of reflection, a time to engage in a ritual action that frees my body from my mind and that frees my mind to be in touch with God. And when it’s all over I’ve got nicely ironed table linens, and some revelation as well.

Try it.

We have a lesson from 1 Samuel [3:1-10(11-20)]; it is, of course, critical to all clergy. I remember it was read at Morning Prayer the first day I was in seminary. Was that a coincidence?

Three times God calls Samuel. Three times Samuel tries to convince himself it isn’t God calling him. Then finally Samuel gets it after Eli tells him to pay better attention. And now Samuel is fully afraid, but also knowing who is calling he is actually ready, now fully available to God.

I just watched the last episode of The Crown the other night. Wasn’t that about “being ready?” Philip says to the Queen “you were born ready.”

Well, I tossed and turned all night after that because, it is my story too. I was born to be a priest. I knew it from the earliest moment. My grandmother knew It too and nurtured it in me, but unlike Eli she didn’t push, she just nurtured. After all, she was the daughter of a pastor. She recognized the signs, she knew the truth, she knew I would hear the call eventually, as did Samuel. She knew, that like Samuel, God would be with me and “let none of [my] words fall to the ground”

Psalm 139 begins “God, you have searched me out and known me.” God is within us, God is all around us, God is us, we are in God … and this is how we know that all thoughts are known by God. And this is how we know we must learn to control our thoughts. God has given us the gift of free will. I remember my Grandmother sitting me down one day after church when I was about 4, and she said, “God gave you the gift of free will, don’t ever forget that.” Wow, 68 years ago, and I remember it now. God, Grandma, searched me out and knew me, and knew my thoughts, and discerned my rising up from afar. God’s works are wonderful and I know it well.

In John’s Gospel [John 1:43-51] Jesus, just baptized, has gone to Galilee, to those working the fishing boats. To those whose hearts were open to God he said “Follow me.” Then Jesus used “snowballing” a research sampling method we use today. Once he had engaged Phillip, he asked Phillip to bring his friends. Nathaniel was next. And when Nathaniel questioned the call, Philip said simply “Come, and See.”

This is the essence of evangelism, that we invite people to come and see. Come and see Jesus working in your life. See what it means to be person who loves. See what it means to be ready for God to be in you.

2 Epiphany Year B RCL 2024 (1 Samuel 3:1-10(11-20); Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17 Page 794, BCP Domine, probasti; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20; John 1:43-51)

©The Rev. Dr. Richard P. Smiraglia. All rights reserved.

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