Tag Archives: anticipation

Snow, snow, snow … and lights, lights, lights*

Two weeks ago when it was still 50 degrees I had three publication deadlines so instead of going out to put up Christmas lights I kept running statistics and writing. It’s what I do. It’s what the university pays me to do. It fulfills me to discover something, each day, something new that nobody else yet knows. That’s the thrill of research. But, then it snowed. And then it was hellaciously cold. And it took a couple of tries before I was able to bear being outdoors long enough to put up a few lights on the front of the house. I asked for help a couple of times and people kept telling me, it has to be done before the snow comes.

But, then again, it is only the third Sunday in Advent. Really, we shouldn’t be putting up lights at all until after the 4th Sunday in Advent. How I treasure that time as a child when Christmas lights went up the Sunday before Christmas, and all of my town was a magical kingdom of beautiful lights in the snow through Christmas and New Years’ Day up to Epiphany. This was when “the holidays” meant Christmas and New Year’s Day. It’s too bad that people have lost the ability to anticipate. After all, anticipation is 90 percent of the best experiences. Christmas is sweeter for the anticipation, for when it doesn’t happen until Christmas Eve, and then it unrolls in real time as a festival of love.

Yesterday it snowed a whole bunch. I actually love it, and I think it’s beautiful. So I went out in the snow and just walked around knee-deep putting up lights. Bah humbug on all of those people who think you should do it in October! Christmas finally is coming. So now we have some lights in the darkness … oh, now there’s a theme.

James says “be patient, beloved, until the coming of the Lord.” That’s the message. But of course, having patience doesn’t mean it isn’t already time for justice. James also says “Beloved, do not grumble against one another, so that you may not be judged. See, the Judge is standing at the doors!” And indeed, God is at the door.

Love, be loved, keep on loving. Have patience, but demand justice.

And don’t worry, Christmas is coming.

A blessed Advent to you all.


3 Advent (Isaiah 35:1-10; Psalm 146:4-9; James 5:7-10; Matthew 11:2-11

©2013 The Rev. Dr. Richard P. Smiraglia. All rights reserved.

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