Tag Archives: existentiality

To Know is to Love

We “know”—knowledge is that firmament that is both within us and outside us to which we conform as a form of synergy. Creation requires knowledge, after all—we know that spacetime is one existentiality, all space exists and all time exists all at once, it is not on a line, there is no sequence except that derived from our perception.

So, if we perceive that we are outcast because we are of the LGBTQ communion, instead of perceiving that the oppressors are condemning themselves, then we accept a perception. If we perceive that one day is better than another then we accept a perception. But if we comprehend that all days are the same and all places are the same, therefore there can be no divisions among creatures or creation except those imposed as perception jealously to prevent love, then we can approximate understanding of the multi-dimensionality of love.

All love exists all the time.

We always are called to love. We always are called to walk in love. We always are called to walk away from those who cannot or do not or choose not to love. We are not called to complain. We are called to create, to build, to build up—Jesus says over and over “the kingdom has come near” and Paul says over and over “love builds up.” Put the two together and you see …

You see, and when you see, then you can walk in love.

In Jeremiah 29 God says to “seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you .. for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” It is in walking in love that peace and justice flourish and nourish creation. In the Second Letter to Timothy Paul says to “avoid wrangling over words” and “do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by [God].” It is a New Testament paraphrase of God’s word from Jeremiah–it is love that counts and the good that love brings and only love counts. In Luke 17 we receive the story of Jesus’ healing of ten lepers. They called to him and they were healed but only one, “a Samaritan” “turned back, praising God with a loud voice … and thanked [Jesus].” It is this man cast out from society for his illness and cast out because he comes from a different culture, it is this man doubly an outcast who truly “sees” that healing is a sign of the kingdom of love and love is the only thing that brings salvation. It is only this newly healed disciple who sees and knows and grasps the truth, that all time and space are one and only love counts.

We who are God’s LGBTQ people in this world must see and know somehow that we inhabit a different universe than the one our str8 relatives, neighbors, etc., walk in. Parallel maybe, but different.

And that’s okay. That is how it is.

And all space and all time are the same and only love counts.

Does this seem too wifty to you? I suppose it might. But it is important for LGBTQ people now, living through this period of re-re-re-oppression—laws against simple books, laws against health care for trans people, laws against sex—it is important for us to see and know that only love counts.

Proper 23 Year C 2022 RCL (Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7; Psalm 66:1-11; 2 Timothy 2: 8-15; Luke 17:11-19)

©2022 The Rev. Dr. Richard P. Smiraglia. All rights reserved.

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Filed under dimensionality, eschatology, love