Tag Archives: found families

A Trinity of Love

This week my husband and I celebrated the 45th anniversary of our union. It was miraculous for a whole bunch of reasons. No need to go into that list here, but, it is important to understand how blessed we are to be together … for 45 years! And we don’t count (ok, mostly we don’t). Rather, each day we get up and make dinner and go to bed (LOL, at least that’s how it has seemed during the pandemic) and then we do it again and before you know it … poof! … 45 years!

In the beginning we met and found something undefinable that joined us, it was not unlike the formless void described in the creation story [Genesis 1:1-2:4a] and the wind of God swept over us … And then we awakened one day and it had been 45 years and God blessed us and hallowed us and these are the generations of God’s love …

Do you see? The story of creation is the story of you and of me and of us. Creation is ongoing, eternal, in every life, in every love.

The work of God surely is the heavens which are magnificent and beyond human comprehension … the moon, the stars [Psalm 8: 4] … and yet the work of God also is to give us free will to chose to do God’s work in creation. It is only by choice that love becomes action, it is only by choosing to walk in love that we affirm the gifts we have been given in creation as God’s LGBTQ heirs. It is the right exercise of choice—righteousness–that is a sign of having reached maturity in responding to God’s call to us.

God asks only that we listen to one another, live in peace and walk in love [2 Corinthians 13:11-13]. In this way love will prevail.

Jesus sends us out into the world [Matthew 28: 16-20] … as grown-ups with wisdom, to spread God’s love … we, God’s LGBTQ people, are called to show the rest of creation how chosen love works … logical families (as Armistead Maupin called them) or “found families” as I keep hearing recently … it is the truth that God’s LGBTQ people are here as disciples to create healing by bringing found families together.

When we invite someone in, they are healed from the oppression of being cast out. Choosing to walk in love, to invite, to heal, this is our call.

Today is the feast of the Holy Trinity. It is very much the feast of the power of love in creation.

Like a dinner, 45 years in the making.

This is the proof of God’s work among us.

Trinity Sunday Year A 2023 RCL (Genesis 1:1-2:4a; Psalm 8 Domine, Dominus noster; 2 Cor 13: 11-13; Matt 28:16-20)

©2023 The Rev. Dr. Richard P. Smiraglia. All rights reserved.

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