Tag Archives: give

Giving is loving*

To give is to act out our relationship with God. If we think we are God, then we are likely to think we need not give, because our pride has shut off our capacity to understand what is required of us as citizens of God’s kingdom. But, if or when we understand that we are truly God’s children, and heirs of God’s kingdom, then we understand fully what our responsibility is. And then when we give, we give of what we have, and usually without restraint. I am writing metaphorically here … I have been giving more than I have for a few weeks now. But I comprehend that this is required of me, and I am surprised each day that when I reach the end of my rope, suddenly more appears, with which I am able to go on giving.

We joke in the Episcopal Church about this gospel story about the widow’s mite, because it always comes at the precise time the parish is asking us to pledge money for the coming year. It’s a shame. Because it distracts us from understanding this bit about giving as something that comes from the soul, like a spiritual exhalation. When we inhale, God gives to us, when we exhale, we give back to God. And that is how it ought to work. When we understand that love is the manifestation of God, we see that that is indeed how it works. The widow gives all that she has, because she knows the love of God, and she knows that the best way to return God’s love is to give. And she probably does not even think that she is giving away all that she has, she thinks rather that she is giving what she can, and all that she can, and that the word all is the important part. She withholds not a penny. This is what God asks of us daily, and I’m not talking about parish pledges. I’m talking about loving each other. God calls us to give, from the well of love that we have.

If there is any particular way to spin this message for the lgbt community it is simply to remind us all that it is how we love that defines us as a community. It is owning up to the right to live in love as God has called us to do that gives us a social identity. And the love that we live, is the love that calls us to give.



Because giving is loving, and loving is embracing God.

©2012 The Rev. Dr. Richard P. Smiraglia. All rights reserved.

Proper 27 (Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17; Psalm 127; Hebrews 9 24-28; Mark 12:38-44)

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